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List of Certified Compost Facilities

The information of the facilities on this list was extracted from the STA Certified Compost Participants from the US Composting Council.

The information provided in this listing are for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement or recommendation by University of California Cooperative Extension, nor is criticism implied of similar companies that are not included.If you would like any vendor information added or edited, please email mridoutt@ucanr.edu






 Synagro -  South

Kern Compost 

Manufacturing Facility

 AllGro® Compost, Tested once per month 

 2653 Santiago Rd 

Taft, CA 93268 

Robert Rankin 



(661) 765 - 2200 

 Recology Organics

 Blossom Valley 

 Organics –  South

Recology Premium Compost, Tested once per month 

6061 N Wheeler Ridge Rd 

Lamont, CA 93241 

Kim Carrier 


(707) 249 - 1338 

LA County Sanitation District – Tulare Lake Compost  

TLC Compost, 

Tested once every month 

34318 23 Rd Ave 
Kettleman City, California 93239 

Richard Kish 


(559) 765 - 7072 

 Kochergen  Farms 

 Composting, Inc. 

 Kochergen Farms Compost, Tested once per month 

 33915 Avenal Cutoff Rd Kettleman City, CA 93239 

Katrina Kochergen 



(559) 498 - 0900 

Waste Management – WM South Valley Compost Facility 

WM Yield, Tested once per month 

24487 Rd 140 

Tulare, CA 93274 

Jason Sears 


(559) 753 - 0040 


(760) 241 - 1284 

 WC Wood Industries 

Green-Waste Compost, Tested once every month   
Manure compost, Tested once every month 

7715 Ave 296 

Visalia, CA 93291 

Manuel Avalos 


(559) 471 - 8775 

WM Organics, LLC –

WM South Valley Compost Facility  

 WM Yield, Tested once every month 

24487 Road 140 
Tulare, CA 93274

Scott Gamble 

(559) 753 - 004 

Cal Poly State University – Cal Poly Compost 

Cal Poly Compost, Tested once every three months 

1 Grand Ave 

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 

Kevin Piper 


(805) 756 - 2563 

 Engel & Gray Inc. – Engel & Gray, Inc Regional Compost Facility 

Harvest Blend Compost, Tested once every two months 

745 West Betteravia Rd 

Santa Maria, CA 93455 

Bob Engel 

EGadmin@enge  landgray.com 

(805) 925 - 2771 

 Foothill Soils, Inc 

Compost, Tested once every two months 

22925 Coltrane Ave 

Newhall, CA 91321 

Steven Rohletter 


(661) 254 - 1045 

Athens Services DBA American Organics

Compost, Tested once every month 

20055 Shay Rd 

Victorville, CA 92394 

Robert Phillips



(626) 388 - 4521 

Burrtec Waste Industries – Victor Valley Compost 

Humic Compost, 

Tested once every month 

17000 Abbey Ln 

Victorville, CA 92394 

Richard Crockett 

(760) 241 - 1284 

Last updated: May 3rd, 2023