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Tian Tian

Viticulture Advisor
Cooperative Extension Kern County
1031 South Mount Vernon Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93307
titian@ucanr.edu Create VCard



Ph.D. in Horticulture, Oregon State University, 2020 

M.S. in Viticulture and Enology, California State University, Fresno, 2015 

B.S. in Enology and Viticulture, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Shaanxi, China, 2012 


Viticulture, Plant Physiology

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Tian, Tian; Ruppel, Meghan, et al. (2022). Fertilize or supplement: the impact of nitrogen on vine productivity and wine sensory properties in Chardonnay. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 73, 156-169.
  • Bustamante, Marcelo I; Elfar, Karina, et al. (2022). First Report of Fusarium annulatum Associated with Young Vine Decline in California. Plant Disease. 106, 2752. 

  • Schreiner, R Paul; Tian, Tian (2022). Performance of Taxonomically Diverse Native Isolates of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Symbiosis with Young Grapevines. HortScience. 57, 1135-1144.
  • Tian T and Schreiner RP. 2021. Appropriate Time to Measure Leaf and Stem Water Potential in North-South Oriented, Vertically Shoot-Positioned Vineyards. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture72:64-72.

  • Tian, Tian; Schreiner, R Paul (2021). Appropriate time to measure leaf and stem water potential in north-south oriented, vertically shoot-positioned vineyards. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 72, 64-72.
  • Tian T and Gu S. 2019. Improving fruit anthocyanins in'Cabernet Sauvignon'by shifting fruit ripening and irrigation reduction post veraison in warmer region. Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research58:23-31.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Tian, Tian (2023). Erratic Bud Break and Irregular Shoot Growth in Spring: Potential Causes and What Can Be Done to Fix Them. Vit Tips, April Issue.M. Fidelibus and K. Lund.
  • Tian, Tian; Fidelibus, Matthew (2023). Long-term influences of rootstocks on vine performance and fruit quality in an 'Autumn King' vineyard. Annual Conference of American Society for Enology and Viticulture.
  • Tian, Tian (2023). Table Grape Tasks. January Issue. American Vineyard Magazine.
  • Tian, Tian (2023). Table Grape Tasks. May Issue. American Vineyard Magazine.
  • Tian, Tian (2023). Table Grape Tasks. Nov Issue. American Vineyard Magazine.
  • Tian, Tian (2023). Tips for managing vine nutrition in vineyards. September issue. Grape & Wine Magazine.
  • Tian T. 2021. Nitrogen Fertilization alters phosphorus status of grapevines and their association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Progressive Crop Consultant

  • Schreiner R. P. and Tian T. 2021. Do Mycorrhizal Fungi Help Grapevines Acquire Nitrogen? Vine to Wine March Newsletter. Oregon State University Oregon Wine Institute. Corvallis, OR.

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